In-Person Event

Symposium sur la sécurité, Québec 2019

27 Nov. 2019Québec, QuebecHôtel Pur Québec



Joignez-vous à notre Symposium sur la sécurité durant lequel les professionnels en cybersécurité apprendront et feront du réseautage aux côtés d'experts en sécurité de Red Hat et Intel, des partenaires et des pairs de l’industrie. Personne ne peut résoudre seul les enjeux de sécurité des TI. La résolution de problèmes ensemble, en tant que communauté, est l’avenir de la technologie.



Le Symposium sur la sécurité est un événement d’une journée rassemblant les experts de l’industrie traitant des tout derniers développements en amont en matière de sécurité pour les entreprises. Les participants auront la chance de faire du réseautage et de collaborer avec leurs pairs et les ingénieurs de Red Hat pour discuter des défis en matière de sécurité auxquels font face les organisations.


Les chefs d’entreprises de TI, les professionnels de la sécurité, les professionnels de l’exploitation et les développeurs d'applications souhaitant sécuriser l’infrastructure et les applications de leur organisation.
8 h 30 – 9 h Inscription, réseautage et petit déjeuner continental
9 h – 9 h 15
Mot de bienvenue et coup d’envoi
Jean-François Royer
Directeur, technologies émergentes, Red Hat Canada
9 h 15 – 9 h 45
Securité intégré et hybride
Jean-François Royer
Directeur, technologies émergentes, Red Hat Canada
9 h 45 – 10 h 45
Container Security and new container technologies
Dan Walsh
Ingénieur conseil senior, Red Hat
10 h 45 – 11 h Pause
11 h – 11 h 45
La sécurité d’abord : L’automatisation des pipelines d’intégration/livraison continue et mise en place de polices pour vos applications
Martin Sauvé
Middleware Solutions Architect, Red Hat Canada
11 h 45 – 12 h 30
La sécurité du réseau pour les applications conteneurisées
Martin Ouimet
Architecte de solutions spécialiste principal, Red Hat Canada
12 h 30 – 13 h 15 Pause pour le dîner
13 h 15 – 14 h
Enterprise Compliance and Security with Ansible 
Julio Villarreal Pelegrino
Architecte en chef, Red Hat
14 h – 14 h 45
Ne croyez pas au battage publicitaire : Comprendre la sécurité et réduire le risque 
Karim RouKoz
Senior Solution Architect, Red Hat Canada
14 h 45 – 15 h 45
Unifier la réponse de sécurité aux cyberattaques d'une nouvelle manière
Michael Lessard
Senior Solution Architect, Red Hat Canada
15 h 45 – 16 h Fin
16 h – 17 h Rencontrez les conférenciers

Hôtel Pur Québec
395 Couronne St
Québec, Quebec  G1K 7X4

Heure: 8 h 30 à 17 h
Des questions? Veuillez contacter :


Lucy Kerner
Maintaining visibility, control, and security, and ensuring governance and compliance remains paramount. But it becomes more difficult and time consuming in a hybrid infrastructure consisting of physical, virtual, cloud, and container environments. Also, it's becoming more and more challenging for security teams to examine and respond to the growing number of security alerts coming in from the increasing number of security tools in their security operations center.
In this session, we’ll look at how a combination of Red Hat technologies can help you with these challenges for the infrastructure, operations, application, and security operations center across a hybrid environment by automating security and compliance. Specifically, in your hybrid infrastructure, you’ll learn how Red Hat’s management and automation products, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, and OpenSCAP can help you:
  • Perform automated audit scans to quickly detect and automatically remediate security and compliance issues in a controlled way for compliance against regulatory or custom profiles for automated configuration compliance.
  • Automatically provision a security-compliant host.
  • Implement both infrastructure and security as code.
  • Implement consistent and automated patch and configuration management.
  • Proactively identify and remediate security threats at scale with predictive analytics.
  • Centrally manage your hybrid infrastructure for continuous security and monitoring.
  • Build security into your application by implementing DevSecOps at scale using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and several other tools, such as OWASP ZAP, SonarQube, Clair, and more to build a secure CI/CD application pipeline.
  • Automate your security operations center by integrating and orchestrating the activity of multiple classes of security tools and unifying the automated response to security alerts across various security tools.
Justin Goldsmith
Recent public breaches highlight the importance of a security strategy that extends beyond the network perimeter. Applications developed and maintained without security in mind present a likely entry point for malicious attackers. Preventive measures should be taken to reduce vulnerabilities that can avoid zero-day attacks.
As organizations adopt containers, an automated approach to security, testing, and application development is needed to increase productivity and reduce risk.
During this session, we’ll discuss how Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform and Red Hat Quay can:
  • Integrate security monitoring software into CI/CD pipelines for containerized applications.
  • Help you understand what's in your containers and where they come from, which is vital to maintain security and quickly remediate workloads.
  • Ensure the validity of images with signing.
  • Enhance open source library security, in true DevSecOps fashion, and establish a security-first mindset for application development.
Veer Muchandi
As you deploy applications and microservices to a Kubernetes based containerized platform, several questions come to mind:
  • How do we deal with micro segmentation?
  • How do we deal with deploying containerized applications in different network zones?
  • How do we deal with security at ingress?
  • How do we deal with security at egress?
  • and more
We will address these common concerns and explain how to address them. In addition, where relevant we will also discuss features provided by open source enterprise ready Kubernetes platform such as OpenShift and how such platforms address these network security aspects for applications. This session assumes that the attendees have basic working knowledge of Kubernetes.
Jeff Towle
Cybersecurity has traditionally been focused on endpoints and network traffic (both on the Cloud and on premises) inspection with security controls that feed events back to be scored and made actionable with a Security Information Event Management (SIEM) method. While useful for rules-based violations that can be programmed into sensors and malware listeners, there are myriad of threats that can evade these controls or circumvent them altogether. Equally as important, the volume and velocity of data has increased such that it is very difficult to understand what constitutes a risky behavior with a person, software, or system. This is where artificial intelligence can become an equalizer. This presentation will talk about use cases around cyber risk that have been solved with powerful perception, logic, and learning with machine and deep learning precision.