Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security and Management roadmap: Security, compliance, and governance

October 12, 2023 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET


As you move modern applications from development to production, it often makes sense to have multiple fit-for-purpose Kubernetes clusters to support delivery of the applications that advance your business. This cluster sprawl continues as you add new clusters configured for specific purposes, such as edge deployments, reduced latency, reduced capital expenditures (CapEx), and regulatory requirements including compliance with data residency laws.

We are here for you. 

Red Hat® Advanced Cluster Security and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management allow you to accelerate your mission by automating management, governance, and security for your hybrid application platform. Using these product solutions helps you maintain reliability, consistency, and a strong security posture in the face of evolving threats—with out-of-the-box guidance for industry best practices—and the ability to customize to your specific needs. 

In this session, we’ll introduce ways we can help you manage policy and security as code throughout the platform and application life cycle, and how our partnership helps to define your destination.

This talk is scheduled for 60 minutes, including 10 minutes at the end for Q and A.

Virtual event details

Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

Date: Thursday, October 12, 2023

Any questions? Please email


Jose Mayorga

Associate Principal Solution Architect, Red Hat

Jose Mayorga is an Associate Principal Solution Architect at Red Hat. As a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers and Kubernetes, he has a solid understanding of Kubernetes, containers, and Red Hat OpenShift®. Jose uses this knowledge to help clients run, find, and manage containerized services, deploy single- and multiple-container applications, and create custom containers. Jose applies his Kubernetes AppDev background to help clients define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitor, and troubleshoot scalable applications and tools in Kubernetes, with a focus on core concepts, configuration, multi-container pods, observability, pod design, services and networking, and state persistence. Before joining Red Hat in 2021, Jose was a Senior Domain Architect with Nokia, where he began as a Senior Software Engineer in 2007.

Ed Haynes

Senior Solutions Architect, Red Hat

Ed Haynes joined Red Hat as a Solutions Architect in 2018. His specialties include hybrid cloud, embedded software, industrial automation, safety critical devices, VxWorks, embedded Linux, real time, high availability, Kubernetes. He has experience in numerous industries, including telecommunications, medical devices, and industrial automation. As a member of the open source community, Ed participates in the Podman working group. A US Navy veteran, Ed served in the Pacific Fleet in communications and operations. After leaving the Navy, Ed did IP protocol development in the defense industry, participating on a project to develop the first IP encryptor certified by the NSA, the Taclane. Successors to this device are still being sold today - 25 years later. Ed has degrees from the United States Naval Academy and the University of Massachusetts Lowell. An avid traveler, Ed has visited all 50 states and enjoys wildlife photography.
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