
Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces: the cloud-native developer workspace server and IDE

On - Demand


Enabling teams on projects has been often challenging due to hardware configurations, software dependencies, and lack of documentation. In this session, we'll show you how admins can easily provide Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces, a cloud-native developer workspace server and in-browser IDE on top of OpenShift.
You'll also learn how developers can comfortably start with coding and testing their changes in Kubernetes-containerized environments (workspaces), and deploying their apps to the platform.



Natale Vinto

Red Hat

Lead Developer Advocate

Natale is a Software Engineer and Solution Architect with more than 10 years of expertise on IT and ICT technologies and a consolidated background on telecommunications, DevOps and Linux operating systems. 
Today, Natale is a Lead Developer Advocate at Red Hat and author of "Modernizing Enterprise Java" and "GitOps Cookbook" for O'Reilly, helping people within communities and customers have success with their Kubernetes and cloud native strategy.

Mario Loriedo

Red Hat

Senior Principal Software Engineer

Mario is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He works on container-based developer tools. He co-maintains the CNCF Devfile project and leads the Eclipse Che project. He has been a speaker at conferences such as KubeCon, LinuxCon, JavaOne and FOSDEM.

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