In-Person Event

Harnessing the Cloud with Kubernetes, Microservices & more...

August 21, 2019Minneapolis, MinnesotaSurly Brewing Company

Cloud-native describes a way of building applications on a cloud platform to iteratively discover and deliver business value. What challenges arise when we start building applications to take advantage of this new technology?

In this mini-conference, we'll cover what it means to build applications with microservices, how cloud-native integration and concepts like service mesh have evolved to solve some of those problems, and how Java can deliver the fast development cycles, and small startup times and memory footprint required for the cloud-native and Serverless/FaaS era with Quarkus.

You'll hear about these topics from industry experts Burr Sutter, our Director of Developer Experience, and Scott England-Sullivan, Principal Specialist Solution Architect.

Attendees should come away from this mini-conference with the following:

  • How Quarkus, the Cloud-Native and Kubernetes-Native platform, is changing the way that we develop Microservices, and Function as a Service/Serverless workloads
  • Understanding of what cloud-native means and how to use it to influence positive business outcomes
  • How to optimize your legacy Java apps on Kubernetes platform with microservices
  • How integration with Apache Camel-K has evolved to create, connect and manage cloud-native APIs
  • How service-mesh technology like Istio can solve the challenges introduced with cloud-native applications

These talks will be of value for developers, architects, operators, platform directors, and technology leaders.

After the presentations, please stay and join Burr, Scott, and your peers for happy hour and networking.

12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Registration and check-in 
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
On being a Cloud Native Architect and Developer
Burr Sutter, director of developer experience, Red Hat
Now that Kubernetes has become the defacto standard for cloud native application architecture involving microservices and serverless functions, representing an extreme environment for your application logic.  In this deep dive session, we will be exploring several steps along the path, from Linux container neophyte to cloud native application architect. Topics include: Kubernetes basic objects, custom resource definitions (CRDs), Istio VirtualServices, advanced rollout/deployment patterns, auto-scale to zero with Knative, source-to-url automated build machinery and much more.
2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Supersonic, Subatomic Java
Burr Sutter, director of developer experience, Red Hat
The rise in popularity of the linux container as the primary way to package your application seemed like a simple change on the surface. Yet, as we saw with the Java Docker Fail problem, it was not a transition completely without challenges for the Java community. Furthermore, a number of developers at many organizations are now considering a move to Node.js or Golang to get the performance and tiny memory footprint they need to run in a Kubernetes and cloud environment. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how you can optimize your enterprise Java apps, your APIs, your microservices, and your “serverless functions” for a Kubernetes/OpenShift and cloud architecture —vastly smaller, vastly faster, and fundamentally more scalable.
3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Cloud Native Integration with Camel-K
Scott England-Sullivan, principal specialist solution architect, Red Hat
API development and complex integrations take time to architect, design, and develop. For over a decade now, Apache Camel has been the de facto open source choice for architects and developers dealing with API and integration challenges. With the advent of modern app development and serverless frameworks, it’s time for Camel to take a stroll into the world of Kube. Enter Apache Camel-K, a lightweight cloud integration and API development framework based on Camel and built for native Kubernetes and Knative development. Built on Openshift, it can be specifically designed for serverless and microservice architectures. Topics will include: Overview of the technology, basic development, and deployments.
4:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Q&A and wrap up
4:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Networking and happy hour

Surly Brewing Company
520 Malcolm Ave SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55414

Time: 12:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.

Complimentary parking located directly outside the brewery

Any questions? Please email


Hear from our experts


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