
Federating services in Kubernetes, Openshift and the hybrid cloud

May 23, 20222:30 PM - 3:30 PM (GMT+01:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

Federating services in Kubernetes, Openshift and the hybrid cloud

As businesses gain experience of using Openshift and Kubernetes in hybrid cloud environments, questions start being raised about securely federating services between clusters, between clouds, and on premises. In fact, questions are equally asked about calling services securely outside of the Kubernetes clusters as well. This could be talking to a database that will never migrate, it could be talking to a service that is on a journey to cloud but isn’t there yet.

At Red Hat, we have 3 approaches to service federation and in this talk we will take a brief look at each one of them and discuss which we might choose to use for different use cases. We will also explore when combinations of the approaches will provide a better solution.

Day 1 (21st July)
12:30 - 16:30 
  • What is Ansible and The Ansible Way
  • Installing Ansible
  • How Ansible Works and its Key Components
  • Ad-Hoc Commands
  • Writing Playbook and Roles 
Day 2 (22nd July)
12:30 - 16:30 
  • What is Ansible Tower
  • How Ansible Tower Works
  • How to Set Up and Run Schedules/Jobs
  • Role Based Access Control
  • Tower as Code and the Ansible Tower modules
  • Explore the Ansible Tower API
  • Learn how to call the Ansible Tower API
  • Consume the Ansible Tower API from Gitlab CI pipelines

Red Hat London office
4th Floor, Peninsular House
London,   EC3R 8NB United Kingdom

Date: May 23, 2022
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (GMT+01:00) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

(Registration opens 30 minutes earlier)

If you have any question, send us an email.

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