In - Person Event

Virtualization Workshop

April 23, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Scandic Haymarket, Hötorget 13-15, Stockholm, 11157 Sweden


Join us for a hands-on workshop and overview of Red Hat® OpenShift® Virtualization. Learn about OpenShift Virtualization from our experts and explore the possibilities that await on your infrastructure modernization journey. 

A half-day experience, this workshop caters to Virtual machines admins, OS admins, container platform admins, I.T. Architects, with a tailored, hands-on lab that takes a comprehensive look at OpenShift Virtualization fundamentals, importing, networking, storage, and more. Make sure to bring your laptop.


Questions? Please contact Red Hat EMEA at





11:00-12:15 Registration & Lunch  
12:15-12:35 Intro Introduction and a high-level overview of OpenShift and OpenShift Virtualization
12:40-13:55 Hands on Lab Basics of OpenShift Virtualization, customizing VM's & Running windows VM's
13:55-14:15 Break  
14:15-14:45 Partners session (IBM & Red Hat)  
14:45-16:15 Hands on Labs 
Running OpenShift on Bare metal servers, networking and storage in OCP Virtualization. backup and restore of VM's.
Exposing VM's to the outside. Options for migrating VM's to OpenShift Virtualization.
16:15-16:45 OpenShift Virtualization roadmap What's next in OpenShift Virtualization.
16:45-17:00 Q&A, Beer or nonalcoholic alternative Sponsored by IBM!
17:00-18:00 Happy Hour  

Scandic Haymarket
Hötorget 13-15
11157 Stockholm, Sweden

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